Re: [] Useful items

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 10:31 on 27 Nov 2003
On Wed, 26 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:
>> One of mine is definitely the squeezy tubes of chopped fresh herbs
>> that you keep in the freezer and use directly from the freezer.

On Wed 26 Nov 2003, Marna Gilligan <> wrote:
> Where do you get the frozen ones?

Sainsbury's.  I think.  I'm supermarket-brand-blind.  I've seen them
in several supermarkets, anyway.  If I remember right, they aren't
frozen when you buy them, but it says on the tube that freezing them
is good, and they definitely do work right out of the freezer.  I
think the brand name is Gourmet Garden, or something like that.


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