[london.food] Hummous [Was: Re: Useful items]

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [london.food] Hummous [Was: Re: Useful items]
Date: 20:42 on 27 Nov 2003
On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 15:38:26 +0000, Juliet Kemp wrote:
>> Kake's recipe:
>> http://www.earth.li/~kake/cookery/recipes/hummous.html

"Skin the chickpeas" is possibly the most important feature of that recipe.

On Thu 27 Nov 2003, Natalie Ford <natalie@xxxxxxxx.xxx> wrote:
> The recipe I have been using does not say to skin or rinse them.

I never ever liked home-made hummous better than even the crappest
supermarket hummous until I started skinning the chickpeas.  It makes
an amazing difference.

Oh, and always rinse canned beans, unless you particularly like the
flavour of salty gloop[0].  I really don't understand recipes that say
"save the liquid from the canned beans" as if it had some kind of
flavour that you don't want to lose out on.  I think people who advise
this should be made to drink a pint of the stuff.  Yuck.

[0] Greg is hereby forbidden to make jokes about any other substance
that may fairly be described as "salty gloop".

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