Re: [] burgers.

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From: Peter Sergeant
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 19:41 on 03 Jun 2004
> For dinner tonight I decided to make burgers without reference to a
> recipe. they turned out very nice.

For dinner tonight, I tried to follow Bob's recipie, but did things a
little differently...

1/2 pound mince
1 small onion (non-red)
3 cloves of garlic
1 'packet' of coriander
2 teaspoons of cinammon
1 teaspoon of horseradish
2 teaspoons of ginger paste I picked up at tescos
2 teaspoons of salt
 I blended everything but the mince, and then mixed the resulting green
 paste in with the mince, and tried to make patties. At this point I
 realised they were going to be a little loose.

 I fried the first pattie in garlic flavoured olive oil. It
 disintergrated-ish ... but tasted sublime. I made the next pattie small
 enough to convincingly fit on a spatula, and this worked better. But
 the taste was a bit strong ...

 To my rescue, I'd managed to overboil some red split lentils, so I
 mixed in an equal amount of those to the amount of pattie mixture I had
 left, and used a small pattie. Almost perfect.

 A larger pattie was not to be though, and disintergrated. Disheartened,
 I added the rest of the lentils to the mix and just fried it with the
 green mince mixture. It was pretty nice, but a little dry...

 Maybe I should have tried mixing an egg in with the mixture to help it
 bind ...


Generated at 22:00 on 16 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.41