Re: [] burgers.

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 11:35 on 03 Jun 2004
On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 12:13:54AM +0100, Bob Walker wrote:

>	1lb minced beef
>	1 red onion
>	6 cloves of garlic
>	1 inch of ginger
>	1 lime
>	Salt and Pepper

Interesting. All the recipes I've seen call for some sort of binder -
usually egg. How fatty was the beef?

At some point I plan to take advantage of the local market and make
goatburger. The problem is, goat is very lean and tends not to stick
together well.


Generated at 22:00 on 16 Jul 2004 by mariachi 0.41