Re: [] burgers.

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From: Martin Frost
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 11:55 on 03 Jun 2004
Roger Burton West wrote:

> Interesting. All the recipes I've seen call for some sort of binder -
> usually egg. How fatty was the beef?

I have found myself that egg is not usually necessary if you make the burgers of
all meat. If you put breadcrumbs in, as specified by many recipes, I can imagine
that some sort of binder would be required.

It is important to squash the burgers together well. I normally season the meat
in a bowl, divide it up, roll each one into a ball by hand, and then squash them
flat once they are already in the pan and frying.

Normally I don't bother with onion in the burgers themselves. Frequently I just
add salt and pepper and some parsley.


There's stuff above here

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