Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.
Date: 19:36 on 30 Aug 2004
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 07:12:26PM +0100, Bob Walker wrote:
> Also, while im here. Suggestions for parsnips other than roasting.

My mum cooks them in butter & orange juice (well, these days she cooks
'em in soya marg & OJ so I can eat them, at least when I'm around, but
non-vegans would likely prefer butter).  This is very nice indeed.  I
think you just put butter & orange juice in the bottom of an oven-proof
dish, stick the parsnips in, & stick 'em in the oven for a bit.
Probably baste at intervals.  

[fx: Juliet realises she should have paid more attention last Christmas
dinner & then would be able to give better instructions]

The other thing I'd do with them is put them in STEW, but I assume
you're asking for lamb-accompaniment-purposes, so that's not such a good
option.  Though I dunno; roast lamb & very cooked-down (i.e. non-sloppy)
vegetable stew might be nice.  I can't remember what lamb tastes like
any more so I can't be sure :-)  


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