Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.
Date: 12:58 on 31 Aug 2004
On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Bob Walker wrote:

> Also, while im here. Suggestions for parsnips other than roasting.

Mash! Mash the parsnips with a knob of butter, a smidgen of salt and
pepper, and a little lemon juice. Extra nice add-ish things include some
lemon zest, or something onionish - sauteed chopped shallots or leeks, or
scallions. Or nutmeg. Or combinations of the above.

You can mash them up with carrots and this is also very nice indeed.

And if you want, you can mash them and then make them into little patties
and fry the little patties in a tiny bit of oil. This is also delicious.

Deep-fried thin-ish slives of parsnip are also very good.

Now I am craving parsnips.


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