Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] roast lamb and parsnips.
Date: 09:40 on 31 Aug 2004
On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 07:12:26PM +0100, Bob Walker said:
> Today i was going to do some roast lamb ( boneless shoulder ) however this 
> plan was scuppered by the disappearance of my roasting tin during my 
> recent move. So I have decided to ask you all for your suggestions on how 
> I should prepare my lamb once i have acquired a roasting tin on the 
> morrow. I was going to just cook it as is on a bed of chopped onion.

Funnily enough I did a leg of lamb as a spontaneous dinner party esque 
affair on Saturday night. I ...

1. Stabbed it alot with a knife. 
2. Stuffed garlic into the stab holes.
3. Grated the zest of a lemon and smeared that over it. 
4. Squeezed over the juice of the lemon
5. Sprinkled over a fairly large quantity of coarse rock salt to form a 
6. Whacked it in the oven at 220 degrees celcius for 20 minutes then 
   turned it down to 180 and left for a couple of hours

Served with sort of smashed potato with rosemary and garlic (mmm, more 
garlic), roasted cherry tomatos and ramiro peppers (big like a normal 
pepper, look like a chilli, taste about half way between the two) and 
some sliced courgettes fried off in olive oil until they caught sightly 
and then drizzled with balsamic.

> Also, while im here. Suggestions for parsnips other than roasting.

Mashed. Lovely.


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