Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach

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From: Simon Wistow
Subject: Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach
Date: 16:44 on 02 Nov 2004
On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 04:25:45PM +0000, Jakob Whitfield said:
> I also recently bought some sausagemeat before realising I didn't know
> what I wanted to do with it. It is now sitting in my freezer making me
> feel guilty. Any suggestions for anything more interesting than making
> sort-of-burgers or adding it to a tomato sauce for pasta?

Make a suasagemeat plait - easy and tasty. 

1. Season sauge meat in bowl. Maybe put in some chopped parsley, chopped
onions or something. Roasted by peppers which have been diced might be
nice too.

2. Get pastry - roll out flat and placed on a greased baking tray. Then 
cut it like a feather (i.e diagonal slits cut into it periodically). 
There should still be an uncut rectangle about 4" across running up the 

3. Spread some chutney (Branstons is fine but Brinjal pickle is lovely - 
experiemt) on the middle spine.

4. Spread the sausage meat over the middle and then start folding up the 
spines of the 'feather' so that you get a criss-cross plait pattern over 
the top.

5. Brush with milk/egg/whatever 

6. Bake for 30 odd minutes at about 200 degrees C.

Generated at 12:00 on 04 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41