Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach
Date: 16:34 on 02 Nov 2004
On Nov 02, 2004, at 16:25, Jakob Whitfield wrote:

> Two brief questions: I like fresh spinach sauteed with garlic.
> Unfortunately, I invariably buy too much. Last time I did this I froze 
> a
> bunch of it. Will it go nasty and slimy a la frozen spinach bricks if I
> sautee it straight from frozen?

No idea. Let us know, though! You could probably defrost it quite 
quickly by putting it in a bowl and covering with warm water , and then 
drying it off. I can't imagine that that would do it much harm...

> I also recently bought some sausagemeat before realising I didn't know
> what I wanted to do with it. It is now sitting in my freezer making me
> feel guilty. Any suggestions for anything more interesting than making
> sort-of-burgers or adding it to a tomato sauce for pasta?

How about making sausages? <gd&rfc>

Wouldn't it be a bit fatty for pasta sauce? The only time I use 
sausagemeat-inna-packet is for stuffing a boned chicken. So maybe it's 
the ideal excuse to practice your dissection skills? :-)


(Archipelago review not forgotten)

Generated at 12:00 on 04 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41