Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Sausagemeat and Spinach
Date: 16:37 on 02 Nov 2004
On Tue, Nov 02, 2004 at 04:25:45PM +0000, Jakob Whitfield wrote:
>Two brief questions: I like fresh spinach sauteed with garlic.
>Unfortunately, I invariably buy too much. Last time I did this I froze a
>bunch of it. Will it go nasty and slimy a la frozen spinach bricks if I
>sautee it straight from frozen?

Depends on how you do it. I nuke it lightly with butter in a closed
dish, and this seems to work quite well. Not tried conventional heat
from frozen.


Generated at 12:00 on 04 Nov 2004 by mariachi 0.41