Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict

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From: James Bywater
Subject: Re: [] Very lazy eggs benedict
Date: 09:12 on 31 Jan 2006
On 31 Jan 2006, at 0840, Russell Joanne (ST) wrote:

> I however, am unable to make scrambled eggs at any time, with no  
> alcohol in my bloodstream and having had 8 hours sleep, feeling  
> fresh as a daisy and able to conquer the world.  Everything just  
> ends up a congealed sticky mess all stuck to the bottom of the pan.

All you need to do is break eggs into a pan containing butter, on a  
low heat.

Keep stirring and don't let it stick to the bottom.

When they look ready, add salt and pepper and eat them!

I got a Gordon Ramsay book and it had a DVD with it which showed how  
to make them... his method was a bit more fancy than mine, but  
essentially the same. The secret is just not to get them too hot, and  
to keep stirring.


There's stuff above here

Generated at 00:00 on 01 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41