Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome
Date: 15:44 on 07 May 2005
On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 03:36:25PM +0100, Karen McAtamney wrote:

>What's the problem with GM foods? (in
>terms of health - indeed, arguably they are healtier, since  fewer
>pesticides etc will need to be used on them).

Technically: monoculture, and pollen-borne transplanting of altered
genes into other species (such as nearby weeds). (Why, do you suppose,
did the American companies that developed these things insist on doing
their field (literally) tests outside the USA?) As for health, well,
that depends - corn engineered to be more sugary isn't going to be
healthier than anything much...

>The problem isn't the supermarkets themselves, the problem is what people
>are choosing to buy in them. If you're going to buy pre-packaged snack food
>then the chances are that it's going to contain specifically added

On the other hand, people are stupid and will mostly buy what they're
told to buy. Google "turkey twizzlers" for some of the recent discussion
on this subject - one repeated theme is "yes, we know it's crap, but the
kiddies will eat it without making a fuss".


There's stuff above here

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