Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Supermarket Syndrome
Date: 16:04 on 07 May 2005
On Sat, 7 May 2005, Karen McAtamney wrote:

> I don't see what
> the problem is with drinking cows' milk (and indeed, if you were going for
> the most natural version possible, you'd be buying unpasturised full fat
> milk, not pasturised skimmed milk).  

Milk direct from a healthy, organically raised cow who's been eating tasty
grass is fine. But that's not cost-effective for the dairy industry, so
cows are fed hormones to increase milk production, and fed antibiotics to
combat the infections they pick up from over-milking, and from living in
crowded conditions. And the food that cows are given is generally a long
way from being pesticide-free organic grass. All this filters into the
milk you drink. 


There's stuff above here

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