RE: [] sauteed potatoes

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From: Wistow, Kay
Subject: RE: [] sauteed potatoes
Date: 14:14 on 20 Aug 2003
It is best to use left over cooked potatoes, however if none available, peel
and par boil potatoes for 10 mins.  Drain and dry on kitchen paper.  Heat
small amount (can add more at a later stage should it be required ie
sticking to the bottom of the pan) of oil/bacon fat/duck fat in heavy based
frying pan.  Toss in potatoes (cut into quarters should be about the right
size - use your noddle depends on size of potatoes), coat thoroughly in hot
fat, then turn down heat, turn frequently, idea is to have crispy outside.
If you cook over a high heat chances are that you end up with incinerated
potatoes that are still rawish on the inside).  Drain and sprinkle with salt
before serving. 

This works for me and no complaints from the men in my life, who have a
passion for sauteed potatoes. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Wistow []
Sent: 20 August 2003 14:05
Subject: [] sauteed potatoes

I cannot sautee potatoes. There. I've said it. It's out in the open. I 
seem congenitally unable to do them properly.

But I have a hankering for them tongiht, plus some potatoes I wnat to 
get rid of before they turn.

So has anybody got any tips and tricks. I was planning on using my 
lovely Le Creuset heavy skillet

for evenness of heat and because I love it.

As an aside I picked up an oven dish on sale for 10 pounds in the
brilliant kitchen store in Bath on Queen's Street. A friend of mine did 
a roast chicken in it last Tuesday and it came out beautifully and was 
great for making gravy in.

Expect a elegy on Le Creuset soon. I love all my stuff from them.


act like nothing's wrong

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