Re: [] sauteed potatoes

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From: Tom Sulston
Subject: Re: [] sauteed potatoes
Date: 14:30 on 20 Aug 2003
On Wednesday, Aug 20, 2003, at 14:04 Europe/London, Simon Wistow wrote:

> Expect a elegy on Le Creuset soon. I love all my stuff from them.

Mmm. Le Creuset are vg indeed: I have a 5l casserole of theirs, and 
it's the bollocks.

Although I strongly recommend buying their stuff from France, where 
it's about a third of the price that it is in the UK.

(In other equipment-pr0n news: I've just bought a deba-style veggie 
knife from Denny's that's designed by Porsche. It's great.)

As to the potato conundrum, the big thing I've found is to ensure that 
your pan is large enough, and the potatoes are well-spaced, otherwise 
they stick together and go stodgy. My method is to boil the potatoes 
beforehand until cooked, and then chill them to prevent them falling 
apart. (The fact that sauteeing usually happens the morning after I've 
boiled too many potatoes for dinner is neither here nor there!) Cook on 
a high heat in a mix of butter and oil, turning as little as necessary 
to ensure that they're evenly browned.

But the spacing is the thing that always catches me out - they need 
lots more room than you'd expect...

Tom Sulston
+44 77 99 89 80 44

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