Re: [] adventures in slow cooking

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From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [] adventures in slow cooking
Date: 22:03 on 16 Feb 2006
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pheasant, 1.5 bottles of red wine, root veg and peas.  arrowroot to thicken
if you like. 4 hours.

On 2/16/06, Bob Walker <> wrote:
> Several months ago my parents forced a largeish slow cooker on me. (Mum
> thought it was takign up to much space in her kitchen). Only in the last
> couple of weeks have i got round to using it.
> First thing did was bbq ribs inspired by
> i of course did my own sauce.
> much liek the one ive mentioned before
> with a couple of additions.
> soem honey, soem garlic puree, tomato puree, chilli powder, paprika.
> i actually put in alot more chilli than i had intended so added soem more
> sugar to balance it out.
> i actually turned the ribs over every so often just to make sure they all
> got covered in sauce.
> they were very tasty. melt in the mouth.
> last weekend i did a chilli following my normal recipe. the use of the
> slow cooker didnt really seem to make the flavour any different. less
> messy since it doesnt spurt everywhere but i used more pans.
> Adam has suggested the the slow cooker would be better if i used real bit=
> of meat instead of mince like in a proper texan chilli
> i might try that this weekend.
> Anyone have any suggestions for any thing else to do with my slow cooker.
> --
> Bob Walker
> watch out for the attack armadillos!

Two beers please, my friend is paying.

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pheasant, 1.5 bottles of red wine, root veg and peas.&nbsp; arrowroot to th=
icken if you like. 4 hours.<br><br><div><span class=3D"gmail_quote">On 2/16=
/06, <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">Bob Walker</b> &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:bob="></a>&gt; wrote:</span><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote=
" style=3D"border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0=
.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Several months ago my parents forced a largeish s=
low cooker on me. (Mum
<br>thought it was takign up to much space in her kitchen). Only in the las=
t<br>couple of weeks have i got round to using it.<br><br>First thing did w=
as bbq ribs inspired by<br><a href=3D"
-bbq-sauce/</a><br><br>i of course did my own sauce.<br>much liek the one i=
ve mentioned before<br><a href=3D"
with a couple of additions.<br>soem honey, soem garlic puree, tomato puree,=
 chilli powder, paprika.<br><br>i actually put in alot more chilli than i h=
ad intended so added soem more
<br>sugar to balance it out.<br><br>i actually turned the ribs over every s=
o often just to make sure they all<br>got covered in sauce.<br>they were ve=
ry tasty. melt in the mouth.<br><br>last weekend i did a chilli following m=
y normal recipe. the use of the
<br>slow cooker didnt really seem to make the flavour any different. less<b=
r>messy since it doesnt spurt everywhere but i used more pans.<br><br>Adam =
has suggested the the slow cooker would be better if i used real bits<br>
of meat instead of mince like in a proper texan chilli<br><a href=3D"http:/=
i might try that this weekend.<br><br>Anyone have any suggestions for any t=
hing else to do with my slow cooker.<br><br>--<br>Bob Walker<br><a href=3D"="></a><br>watch o=
ut for the attack armadillos!
<br><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>Two beers pleas=
e, my friend is paying.&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=3D"">=</a>;


Generated at 00:00 on 24 Feb 2006 by mariachi 0.41