Re: [] adventures in slow cooking

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From: Bob Walker
Subject: Re: [] adventures in slow cooking
Date: 00:51 on 17 Feb 2006
On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Simon Wistow wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 02:39:19PM +0000, Bob Walker said:
>> Anyone have any suggestions for any thing else to do with my slow cooker.
> Well you've probably noticed that Slashfood went through a bit of a
> Slowcooker phase so that'll help.

indeed. all though all the other recipes didnt really interest me.

> Stews are always good slow cooked. And nice big fatty hunks of meat -
> lamb shank, a big pork butt, beef shoulder or loin

indeeed. i might do a stew. talking of pork and such. has anyone else 
watched the extra on once upon a time in mexico where robert rodriguez 
does a 10 minute bit about how to do slow roasted pork?


Bob Walker
watch out for the attack armadillos!

There's stuff above here

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