Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: David Cantrell
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 13:46 on 17 Nov 2003
On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:13:04PM +0000, Marna Gilligan wrote:

> Aren't sprouts mandatory? ;)

Yes they are.  And therefore, I present ...

SPROUT SURPRISE.  There's a prize for anyone who can think of a better

Take some sprouts.  Do the usual, remove the outer layer of leaves,
score the base, dump into boiling water.  But only half-cook them.
Chuck the water away, add enough chopped tomatoes (tinned are fine) to
cover them, a hefty dose of garlic and some ginger, and cook gently
until the sprouts are done.  Serve as a starter, with fresh bread to mop
up the tomato juices.  Yum yum yum.

If it gets too dry before the sprouts are cooked, add red wine mixed
with tomato juice.  This provides a handy excuse (as if any were needed)
to have wine open in the kitchen and for the chef to get pleasantly tipsy.

I might try adding barley too next time I do this.

David Cantrell |  Reprobate  |

    See the creativity that comes from misery! Without misery people who
    would otherwise relax at home with a drink are spurred to great
    heights of expression. Art thrives on constraint and unhappiness.
           -- Arp

There's stuff above here

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