Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [] Chr*stm*s d*nn*r
Date: 12:13 on 17 Nov 2003
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Kate L Pugh wrote:

> Er, that's as far as I've got, actually.  Has anyone got any really
> fabulous vegetable dishes that I should try out?  I'm still not much
> of a meat-eater really, so I'd like to make the vegetable dishes
> sufficient on their own.  I want to make at least seven of them.

Aren't sprouts mandatory? ;)

I always do duchess potatoes for Christmas dinner. Boil potatoes until
done and fluffy, mash them well, let them cool a bit (else the egg cooks).

Take some egg yolk and some cream and beat them together, and beat this
into the potatoes. You need to get it *completely* lump free. Mix in some
finely ground white pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Plop the mixture into a
pastry bag, and pipe onto a greased baking tray in pretty shapes. Brush
them with some beaten egg and pop them into a hot oven to brown and crisp
the outsides.

Quantites. I use two egg yolks and about two tablespoons of (thick) cream
 with about eight medium sized potatoes for six people. Adding the cream
and egg gradually is thebest way to go - you're aiming for soft, but not
gloopy - the mixture has to be able to hold the shape you give it from the
pastry squidger.

(this my variation on the recipe my mum always used)

Am thinking of other dishes. What meat is being cooked?


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