Re: [] Useful items

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From: Juliet Kemp
Subject: Re: [] Useful items
Date: 11:58 on 27 Nov 2003
On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 08:57:49PM +0000, Natalie Ford wrote:
> - Sainsburys dairy free spread/marg (did you know that even the non 
> buttery Flora has buttermilk in it?).

Well, I certainly did :-)  
[mutter mutter whey powder in bloody *everything* mutter mutter]
Do Sainsburys do an own-brand one?  I know that their organic olive oil
spread is dairy-free (cheers to Ben for discovering this), although
irritatingly they don't sell it at the Sains Local near my work, but
otherwise the only one I've reliably found is Pure.  

(I note in passing that Pure Organic tastes revolting.  The stuff in the
orange tub is fine though).  

> - Plain chocolate - Cayleys, Green and Black or Lindt - or Bourneville 
> when I can find some that does not contain buttermilk - they seem to vary 
> their recipe.

I have 2 half-bars of G&B in my desk currently.  One plain, one Maya
Gold.  Mmm.
[eats more chocolate]

> - Houmous.  I even make my own now, and so:
> - Chickpeas, and:
> - Tahini.

I've taken to making my own hummous more often as well now, so tahini
has become a cupboard staple.  This is not a foodstuff, but I have also
discovered the Wonders Of The Hand-Held Blender, which is particularly
good both for hummous & for soups (after we went through 3 regular
blenders in about 6 months by cracking the jug pouring hot soup into

> - Dairy free 'parmesan' - I am out of it at the moment so I can't remember 
> the brand, but I buy it in Sainsburys.

I haven't yet found one that's better than doing without.  I'd
appreciate a brand name next time you get some?  

I can't really think of many new foodstuffs I've happened upon.  Oh yes
- dried chipotle chillis from the stall in Borough Market.  *Fantastic*
- a lovely smoky sort of taste.  Also Tom introduced me to pickled 
garlic, which is v fine.  


There's stuff above here

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