Re: [] burgers.

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From: Billy Abbott
Subject: Re: [] burgers.
Date: 17:42 on 04 Jun 2004
On Thu, 3 Jun 2004, Roger Burton West wrote:

> Interesting. All the recipes I've seen call for some sort of binder -
> usually egg.

I knocked up some burgers for a camping trip last week. i used an egg to 
bind (and didn;t put anything but spices in the meat mix) and then froze 
the burgers (seperated so they didn't stick together) and then defrosted 
them when they were needed (well...stuck them in the coolbag and then 
dumped them in the field until they were defrosted at least). I've found 
that they stick together better if you "work" the burgers a bit, squidging 
them around a bit before forming them into patties, and the freezing 
seemed to help them hold themselves together a bit more than last time - 
they survived being knocked around in a coolbag and then cooked on a 
disposable barbie in the middle of a field.

we also shoved some cheese in the middle of some of them (comte i was whatever a friend of mine had in the fridge)...which was 


If my aunt had nuts she'd be my uncle
  Billy Abbott                     billy at cowfish dot org dot uk

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